The project FRIENDSHIP, started in May 2020, aims at promoting the use of solar heat in industrial sectors through the prototype of a complex and fully integrated heating and cooling system. The consortium had its M12 meeting on May 7th, an event that closed the first year of activities and served to plan the three years ahead. The meeting was held online due to current regulations linked to the Covid-19 crisis.

During these first twelve months, the consortium has defined all the requirements and parameters that such a prototype should fulfill and has been in contact with several important industrial actors, who helped achieving realistic studies. The different components of the prototype (solar collectors, heat pump, heat storage, chillers) have all been successfully conceptualized. They are all at a fundamental stage now: the shift from theory to practice, through testing, numerical analysis, selection of manufacturers and production of materials.

Several articles have been written and some are currently in the process of publication. The following months should see a substantial increase in the number of physical results, so keep a close eye to the project to witness its cutting-edge progress !