FRIENDSHIP last public deliverable on Environmental Mitigation Potential has been released. In the report, SINTEF assessed the integration and environmental mitigation potential of the solutions for solar heat integration in industrial processes developed in FRIENDSHIP.
The assessments are carried out on 4 facilities partnering in the project: Moosburg, Tarragona, Nettgau and Mangualde. The facilities are spread out both geographically, from the North to South of Europe, and industrially, from chemicals to wood processing. Therefore, the results reflect the potential of the FRIENDSHIP solutions in a variety of locations and for a range of resources and energy-intensive industries, allowing an extrapolation to industries outside the FRIENDSHIP consortium.
Based on the findings described in the report, SINTEF identified a set of general recommendations that are meant to identify facilities within resources and energy-intensive industries in Europe where the FRIENDSHIP solutions have high integration and environmental mitigation potentials.
Download the deliverable here!