On 24th and 25th of November, FRIENDSHIP team got together for the M30 progress meeting. Six months after the first in-person meeting in Sweden, the consortium met again in Munich (Germany), hosted by Clariant, one of the project’s industrial partners.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Project Coordinator, Valéry Vuillerme (CEA), presented the project’s progress and took the opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work.
On the agenda over the two days, the consortium summarized the progress achieved so far and gave an overview of the work performed in the running Work Packages. In the end, partners also set the course for the future activities.
Whereas, on the second day discussions took place in specific workshops dedicated to the pre-design and decision-making tools, which will be implemented in the FRIENDSHIP website, and to the first training video that will be released soon.
In a separate workshop, the partners had a brainstorming session on the exploitation strategy of each Key Exploitable Results (KER). Thus, for each KER, result general description, IPR and TRL level were checked, discussed, and updated.
In addition, at the end of the meeting the consortium had the opportunity to visit Clariant industrial site in Moosburg and to see first-hand the structure of the plant and the challenges related to the implementation of the FRIENDSHIP solution there.
Exciting six months are ahead of us. Stay tuned for details!