On Thursday, 1st February 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 (CET), the FRIENDSHIP webinar on “Solar Heat for Industrial Processes Decarbonisation” was streamed online.
Sincere appreciation is extended to all attendees who attended the webinar, as their active engagement, profound interest, and insightful questions significantly enriched the discourse.
A special word of thanks is warranted for the all the speakers, who presented their research findings with clarity, conciseness, and factual accuracy:
Valery Vuillerme (CEA) – Coordinator of the FRIENDSHIP project – exposed the objectives and components of the project, highlighting the research behind the technology and its transformative potential for industries.
Dr. Ivan Jerman (NIC) – Researcher at the National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, – shared insights into Solar Thermal Field & Coatings, focusing on the lifetime evaluation approach for competitive SHIP
collector coatings.
Ole Marius Moen (SIN) – Researcher at SINTEF Energy Research (Norway)- showcased the functionality and efficacy of heat pumps within the FRIENDSHIP solution, offering a glimpse into their role in optimizing energy efficiency.
Anouk Muller (CEA) – Research Engineer at CEA’s Laboratory for Thermodynamic and Solar Technologies – explained the process of cold production within the FRIENDSHIP framework, emphasizing its contribution to sustainable cooling solutions.
Julien Grosse (CEA) – Research Engineer at CEA – revealed the heat storage mechanisms in the FRIENDSHIP system, underlining their crucial importance in the solution.
Valery Vuillerme (CEA) detailed the management system of FRIENDSHIP, offering insights into its integration into industrial operations.
Pierre Dury (INES) – Solar Thermal Engineer at the National Institute of Solar Energy, France – showcased the educational materials and the tool developed within the FRIENDSHIP project, emphasizing their role in knowledge dissemination and capacity building.
Following the presentations, a dynamic panel discussion provided a platform for speakers to address audience queries, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
For those willing to have a look at the presentations or revisit key insights, recordings are available:
Presentations: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0kkkcoho39o66auopo7o2/h?rlkey=7xxwfe9qw0fnqvpacj9opkr6q&dl=0
Webinar Recording: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uvceoosms43k8lldp2jlc/WEBINAR-FRIENDSHIP-def-version-Made-with-Clipchamp.mp4?rlkey=wak02p5qfybu6q1f7qibiryea&dl=0
E-learning Videos: https://friendship-project.eu/training-videos/
We invite you to explore these resources and to follow the progress of the project!