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Invitation to our workshop about Solar Energy In Industrial Processes

During Sustainable Places Conference 2023, the two sister projects, ASTEP and FRIENDSHIP, will exchange on their experiences in a workshop dedicated to Solar Energy in Industrial Processes In the framework of the call H2020 LC-SC3-RES-7-2019 dedicated to Solar Energy in Industrial Processes, the European Commission gives support to two projects,… Read More »Invitation to our workshop about Solar Energy In Industrial Processes

Publication on electroplating of selective cobalt-chromium coating!

FRIENDSHIP is pleased to announce that our newest paper about electroplating of selective cobalt-chromium coating is now published online in the journal of Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. The paper, Environmentally sustainable electroplating of selective cobalt-chromium coating on stainless steel for efficient solar collectors,… Read More »Publication on electroplating of selective cobalt-chromium coating!

FRIENDSHIP at EuroSun 2022

EuroSun is one of the main events on solar energy for buildings and industry in Europe. This year the conference took place in Kassel (Germany), from 26th to 29th September, and its organization was a joint effort of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and… Read More »FRIENDSHIP at EuroSun 2022